Resident Resources

Select the property name below for resources specific to your community.

Contact your property manager

Have an issue to report or want to request something? Fill out the form below and your property manager will get back to you.

      By submitting this request and checking "agree", you are granting staff permission to enter your home to complete your maintenance request. If you do not wish to give permission to enter, you must call the Management Office during business hours.

      NWI Veterans Village

      Managed by

      Your community resources

      No resources at this time

      839 Massachusetts St.
      Gary, IN 46402

      Phone: 219-951-0460
      Fax: 219-951-0624

      Office Hours

      Monday - Friday : 8:00am - 5:00pm

      Property images

      IMG_20200513_115045 IMG_20200513_124041 received_168904267852760 received_243606176850761 received_320581592294941 received_609325503007512 received_693445578167590 received_1455614751287850